Some interesting cases of the 24 games
The 24 Game: You can only use the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and each number can be used only once. The final result of the operations should…
The 24 Game: You can only use the operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division, and each number can be used only once. The final result of the operations should…
Introduction speculative decoding (推测解码)的思想先有Deepmind 2023.02 发布(Accelerating Large Language Model Decoding with Speculative Sampling),后Google research 另一拨人在2023.05 又发了一篇 (Fast Inference from Transformers via Speculative Decoding)。基本思想都一致: tokens的生成有难易之分,对于一些"简单"的tokens (比如code生成中一些约定俗成的写法), 大小模型一致程度会比较高,因此可以用小模型快速生成,已提高inference的速度 i.e. 在code生成中,如果已经生成了"import numpy", 很自然地下面的token大概率是"…